creating personal relationships between communities of hope in the United States and El Salvador in order to share learning experiences, spiritual accompaniment, and material support in our faithful work to build communities based on justice for all who seek a dignified, sustainable life

Cielo Azul Study Trips - info and application

A new program offered by Cielo Azul is our El Salvador Study Trip that brings North Americans to El Salvador to learn first hand about the political, economic, and theological realities of life in the third world. Ruth Rodriguez de Orantes, pastor of the Iglesia Bautista Shekina and a volunteer professor in the extension program of a Baptist seminary in Santa Ana (SEBLA), coordinates the logistics and program arrangements for groups of activists, seminarians, students, writers, theologians, organizers,and church leaders.

Upcoming study trips in 2012

Nov 23rd to Dec 1st (application deadline Oct 1)

View our YouTube video invitation to participate in the study trip
Learn more details about the Study Trip experiences in the 2012 prospectus below.
Click here to fill out an online application for the upcoming study trips.

Download Cielo Azul Trip Prospectus 2012